Private sessions
Thank you for your interest in studying privately.
Private lessons give you a great opportunity to work with a specific area of concern, refine your practice and to get personal guidance that is targeted towards your specific wishes. My clients have chosen private lessons for many different reasons. Some are recovering from physical or mental illness, others are rehabilitating after surgery or an accident and yet others want to work on a their alignment in a specific asana (yoga pose) or overcome their fear in handstand. The sessions are personalized, focused hours where I aim to serve your best interests. If you wish to begin a home practice I can design a specific practice for you, and sketch it out so that you can use it in your own setting.
Feedback from students"Som del af genoptræning efter en ryglidelse har jeg modtaget privatundervsining ved Hrönn, som kyndigt og myndigt har ydet hjælp til selvhjælp, så jeg har fået mere lyst til og mere mod på yoga på en måde, så det også kan skabe energi og fokus i mit arbejdsliv og i det hele taget højne det generelle velbefindende. Det er ambitiøst og kroppen udfordres og styrkes - men det er vel arrangeret, så hver session er en nydelse. Kan klart anbefales."
- Line, 39 år, mor til to, rygpatient, tidligere ashtanga yogi" Information
Cancellation minimum 24 hours in advance. Practice with me in YogaPlace or in your own home. Additional travel fee might apply. |
Meditation as a life skill
Do you feel a calling to access the deeper layers of your being? Have you thought of meditation as something that can help you to find more balance and to reduce stress in your life? Would you like to add meditation to your personal practice of self-care? Maybe you've tried out a few guided meditations online or someone once gave you a book about meditation that you're still reading? Is it challenging to have a regular practice? If you've answered YES to any of the above questions you should attend to that call and give yourself the gift of meditation practice - and I would be honoured to get you started.
Meditation is a natural state of the human being but we often need techniques to get in contact with that state. As one of my favourite meditation teachers, Sally Kempton says: "the mediation current inside is always present but we need to tune into it - just like when we're trying to reach a specific radio channel on the FM radio". In 3 weeks, I will guide you to get started with meditation so that you can begin to reap the good effects of a steady practice - which, to name just a few; gives you a feeling of balance, better sleep, better concentration and experience of more connectedness with the depths of your being but also with other beings. The course consists of 3 sessions, each 60 minutes and homework to be attended to every day. Feedback from students"Jeg har taget Hrönn's meditationskursus, da jeg ønskede at komme dybere ind i min meditations-praksis og få et større kendskab til de mange forskellige teknikker og få dem placeret i forhold til de forskellige hovedgrupper af skoler indenfor yoga'en. Det var afgørende for mig, at få en god oplevelse og komme godt fra start under kyndig vejledning af en erfaren lærer, som jeg havde tillid til. Og det skal jeg love for, at jeg kom...
Her 1/2 år senere mediterer jeg fortsat på daglig basis - hvilket var mit ønske, inden jeg tog kurset - og jeg bruger stadig den allerførste teknik, som Hrönn præsenterede mig for. De få dage, hvor jeg ikke har mediteret i det forgangne 1/2 år, har jeg virkelig set frem til den næste dags meditation og kvalitetstiden med mig selv uden baggrundsstøj. Hrönn har under hele forløbet været til rådighed i relation til besvarelse af spørgsmål, der opstod undervejs, og har desuden givet nogle virkelig gode anbefalinger f.s.v.a. litteratur m.v. Jeg kan virkelig anbefale Hrönn's meditationskursus, som har givet mig et godt og solidt afsæt til at udforske den meditative tilstand nærmere på egen hånd. - Namaste, Laura Majbritt Riisgård Chikalkar Teaching takes place in YogaPlace unless otherwise agreed.
Book a customized meditation course by clicking on the button below. |
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Email: [email protected] Phone No. :+45 20 22 22 22 Subscribe to my newsletter scan QR code |